Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Moving Fun

Just finished up moving over the weekend.  I am happy to say I am much better at it than I used to be.  Everything I owned was moved in 4 hours, and perfectly fit into the back of a 10' U-Haul.  Yay!  I think I have graduated to college level moving-truck tetris, but I haven't gone cross country in a truck yet, and I think that is the real test.

As you can imagine, moving put a bit of a damper on everything else.  I have two reviews slated: Andrew Bird's new albume and an old Muse record.  Hope to have those up this weekend.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

NMW Review: "Grand" by Matt & Kim


"Grand" is an album by Brooklyn Duo Matt Johnson and Kim Schifino.  Creative naming, huh?  You can find them here.  This record is a fun little shot of joy to the ears.  Matt provides vocalss in a sort of awkward, faux british accent and plays the keyboard.  Kim smile, bounces a lot, and plays the drums.  If the White Stripes are the epitome of grungy minimalist blues-rock, Matt & Kim are the polar opposite: happy, fun and just looking to have a good time.

The album is short, about 30 minutes for 11 songs.  You'll recognize the first track "Daylight" from the Bacardi commercial with a guy walking through eras of bars to finally get his drink.  The song and the ad match up almost perfectly.  This random guy just wants a drink, and the song just wants to make some fun noise.  The rest of the songs are all short little bursts that will get your foot tapping and head bobbing.  There is nothing groundbreaking to be found, but the earworm quotient is very high, and the record makes a for a great pick me up when you want to have some bubbly pop.

The best way to review this album comes from my friends.  Over the last week 3 different people have either heard this in my car or on my computer, and they all had the same response.  First the head quirks a little as the beat sinks in, then a smile cracks the lips.  After the song ends, you are left thinking "I don't know why, but that is really growing on me."

"Daylight" Video:

New Music Weekends!

In an effort to not become that guy who only listens to the same 20 records he got in high school, I am starting New Music Weekends! (how original is that!).  The format is simple:  At least one new album each weekend that I have never bought before, and have not had a chance to really sit down and give a good listen to.  Sometime during the following week I'll put up my review and give the next album.

If you have suggestions, please let me know.  iTunes will be my method of choice, but sorting through the chaff can be tiring...

First up wil  be "Grand" by Matt & Kim.